Athlete Resources
High-performance athletes are encouraged to check out our High-Performance Resources.

Mental Health
- Athletics Ireland & Jessie Barr - Sport Psychology
- Athletics Ireland & Niall Tuohy - Building Your Best Self
- Sport Ireland - Getting The Balance Right
- Athletics Ireland & Aoife Cooke - Being an Elite LGBT+ Athlete
- Athletics Ireland - Support Services

Injury Management & Prevention
- Latest research suggests PEACE & LOVE is the best approach to managing soft tissue injuries. Read more.
- Sport Ireland & Robbie Smyth - Injury Prevention
- Johns Hopkins Medicine - Common Injuries in Female Athletes
- Running Clinic - Common Injuries Explained

Menstrual Cycle
- Her Moves - Mastering Your Menstrual Cycle
- Her Moves - Tracking Your Menstrual Cycle
- Her Moves - Chosing Your Period Product

- Athletics Ireland & Evan Lynch - Exercise Nutrition
- Sport Ireland - Introduction to Nutrition
- Sport Ireland - Feeding Performance
- Her Moves - Fuelling for Energy on Your Period

- Sport Ireland - Introduction to Hydration
- Sport Ireland - You Are What You Drink

Rest & Recovery
- Athletics Ireland - Priming for Performance & Recovery