Parents of female athletes should also visit our Women In Sport page.

- Rebel Sport - Guide to Kid's Runners
- Runner's World - Guide to Running Spikes
- The Wired Runner - Running & Jumping Spikes
- Running Warehouse - Throwing Shoes

Injury Management
- Latest research suggests PEACE & LOVE is the best approach to managing soft tissue injuries. Read more.
- PMC Physiotherapy - Managing Growth-Related Injuries
- Johns Hopkins Medicine - Common Injuries in Female Athletes

Nutrition & Hydration
- Nemours KidsHealth - Eat Well
- Nemours KidsHealth - Sports Drinks

Mental Health
- Nemours KidsHealth - Managing Nerves
- Athletics Ireland - Support Services
For questions about joining, please check out our Membership page.
Is training on?
Training is rarely cancelled, except in cases of extreme weather where there is a risk to athlete safety. In these exceptional cases, parents will be notified by coaches via the WhatsApp group.
If you have not received any notifications, assume training is going ahead as normal.
Where can I buy spikes?
You can purchase spikes online from most sports retailers in Ireland or locally at Alfie Hale Sports. We also have a small collection of spikes for new athletes to try - just ask any of our coaches before/after training.
What length spikes are allowed?
For track & field, please follow the AAI Recommended Spike Usage guidelines.
For cross country, 9mm spikes are allowed.
What age group does my child compete under?
Athletes may not obtain a birthday in the year of competition and compete in that age group. For example, athletes competing in the U11 age group must not be older than 10 in the year of competition.
Where can I buy the club singlet?
You can buy the club singlet and other club gear at Alfie Hale Sports.
Why are U9's to U11's paired at Munster Championships?
The U9 to U11 Munster Track & Field Championships are run as both an individual and team competition. Athletes are entered into the competition as individuals and clubs do not name teams beforehand. Instead, teams are automatically compiled based on where the athletes finish in the results.
There are two athletes per team. The top two athletes will automatically form the club's "A" team, and the next two will form the "B" team, and so on. Each team's combined distances or combined times are added for team scoring.
Medals are awarded to the top three individual athletes and top three teams in each event. The top three teams in each event are selected for the National Team Games.
Each athlete may only compete in two events.
Is there a club physiotherapist?
We do not have a club physiotherapist, but Ron Swanson from Back On Track Physiotherapy offers discounts to Ferrybank AC athletes. Please bring proof of club membership to your appointment (e.g. your Athletics Ireland membership card).
Is there a summer camp?
Yes! Boys and girls aged between 6 to 12 years old can participate in the Athletics Ireland summer camp hosted by Ferrybank AC. For more information, check out the FAQs at Athletics Ireland - Summer Camps.
I have a question/concern about child welfare. Who should I contact?
Please contact the club's Children's Officer.