Interested In Getting Involved? We Always Need Help!
Club Administration and Management: Key roles in the club include Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, Registrar, Public Relations Officer, Children's Officer, and Women In Sport Officer. If you cannot commit to a committee position we also have many other roles in the club that require minimal time but make a big impact!
Coaching: We need coaches for all age groups from senior infants to U19's. Even one session a week can make a huge difference! Training will be provided for all coaches willing to commit to weekly training.
All volunteers must complete Garda Vetting. For more information see the Athletics Ireland Garda Vetting Guidelines or contact the Children's Officer.
Become an AI Official
Competitions Don't Run Themselves!
Officials play a crucial role in making hundreds of events run smoothly throughout Ireland. From working at National Championships to officiating at juvenile club and school meetings, officials are essential for maintaining the highest levels of integrity at all levels of competition.
Interested? Read more about the role here: Athletics Ireland Officials. For inquiries, please email competition@athleticsireland.ie.